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Center for Interdisciplinary Writing and Research

CIWR welcomes colleagues from across disciplines!

The Center for Interdisciplinary Writing and Research (CIWR) is a collaborative institution where Daytona State College faculty, faculty from other institutions, students and the community discuss and critique writing and research in the spirit of interdisciplinarity. No methodology is favored over another, no expression of thought - creative, scientific, or otherwise - left unconsidered. We sponsor lectures, workshops, and conferences of scholarly and artistic form. We are advocates for collaboration and cooperation between the humanities, fine arts, social sciences, and sciences, and we assert that each of these domains, in part and in union, plays an essential role in conceptualizing and improving the human condition.

For more information about CIWR's initiatives including their Virtual Undergraduate Research Conference (VURC) and peer-reviewed journal, you can visit their website at or contact Dr. Michael Mallott.


Our Faculty Fellows Program offers a unique pathway for faculty leadership through various peer-to-peer professional development initiatives.

As a Faculty Fellow, you’ll have the opportunity to serve as a peer mentor, sharing your expertise and supporting fellow faculty members. Faculty accepted to a fellowship can receive a stipend or course releases for your contributions as a fellow. Join us in fostering a culture of excellence in teaching and learning!

Current Fellows for Academic Year 2024-2025:

Faculty Fellow in Teaching & Learning:

Rita Haman

Dr. Kelly Duffy

Faculty Fellow in WAC/WID:

Rita Haman

Dr. Rita Haman (Fall & Spring)

Casey Knecht (Fall) - not pictured

Michelle Swint

Michelle Swint (Spring)

Faculty Fellow in Service Learning:

Dr. Nancy Duke - not pictured

Robert Sprouse

Robert Sprouse

Applications are available in the Professional Development folder in the Document Repository.

Professional Development Opportunity Awards

The Professional Development Opportunity Awards (PDOA) provide funding of up to $1,750 towards significant professional development activities that directly support the employee’s contribution at Daytona State College. These awards support non-compulsory professional development activities that are not funded through other sources.

Potential activities include, but are not limited to, developing or redesigning curricula, attending and/or presenting at professional meetings and conferences, researching best practices in the field, participating in continuing education courses and college-credit courses (non-degree seeking).

Applications for the Academic Affairs Professional Development Opportunity Awards are the only applications being accepted at this time. Please use the PDOA Application, selecting the appropriate box in question 9- "Academic Affairs Professional Development Opportunity Awards (Allocated by Academic Departments)."

The PDOA Application and scoring rubric are available in the Professional Development Opportunity Awards folder in the Document Repository’s Professional Development folder. 

All applications are scored using the PDOA rubric. Any category marked as NOT MET will result in the applicant resubmitting clarifying information. Applications must be received at least 30 days prior to the start of the travel/event. All Travel Authorizations must be submitted through PeopleSoft at least 14 business days prior to the start of travel. Funds could be denied without the Travel Authorization's completion.  

Perkins requests utilize the same application but must also follow the Perkins Professional Development Procedure listed in the Document Repository. Perkins requests will be reviewed by the Perkins Committee and scored using the rubric provided.

Note: Faculty members requesting Staff and Program Development funding through Academic Affairs can use the same PDOA Application. Please be sure to identify the funding source as the Academic Affairs Professional Development Award. The Department of Learning & Development will assist with obtaining any applicable funds from the appropriate Associate Vice President.

Sabbatical Leave

Sabbatical leave is designed to provide full-time instructors who are on continuing contract with opportunities for professional renewal, formal education, research, writing, faculty development, certification, or other experiences of professional value with the goal of becoming more effective faculty and to enhance their service to the College. The sabbatical may vary in length from one semester to one full contract year.

Requests for sabbatical leave are considered when they align with the following activities:

  • Updating professional skills through participation in training or in-service education programs;
  • Formal academic research intended to produce results worthy of publication;
  • Structured professional pursuit not involving formal academic coursework including, but not limited to, writing with intent to publish, artistic endeavors, and technical projects.

Please see the application in the Professional Development folder in the Document Repository.