students playing a video game in lemerand student center

Get Involved & Create Connections

There are many great reasons to get involved in campus life. It’s a great way to explore and strengthen career skills while building a network with other students, staff and faculty. Many graduates who have moved into successful careers are glad they took advantage of these opportunities.

At DSC, you’ll find a collegiate experience that’s centered on you, the student. Our faculty and staff provide support and guidance as you advance your personal and professional plans. You’ll also find opportunities to broaden your horizons with art and cultural exhibits, guest speakers, and extracurricular activities and organizations that round out your college life.

Student Life promotes student leadership development and education through formal and informal learning experiences. The department collaborates with faculty to promote student success and enhancing teaching and learning beyond the classroom.

Participating in clubs and organizations on campus provides opportunities to develop leadership, planning, and social skills that are important for success.

Research shows that students who engage in student life activities outside of the classroom tend to be more successful. You’re encouraged to take advantage of everything Daytona State has to offer.

leadership workshop students on wooden stilts

Request a Workshop

Student Life offers a wide array of workshops throughout the year to ensure your success. Email us and request a workshop today! In your request email please let us know the club or department name and the time, date, location, and workshop requested.

Current Workshops

  • Club Funding System

In Motion - Newspaper

In Motion is a student newspaper in every sense of the word. The staff is composed entirely of students. Editorial decisions are made by students, with input from staff and faculty advisors. Editorial decisions should reflect the collective will of the entire editorial staff and not that of a single editor. The philosophical and ethical standards of the student newspaper should reflect those of mainstream, for-profit publications. The right to publish carries a heavy burden of fairness, accuracy, balance, and relevance.  

Aeolus Literary Magazine

Aeolus is made by and for Daytona State College students.
Aeolus Literary Magazine invites our to travel through time and space, beyond ocean and sky, as we lead you on a journey to enchantment.

Office of Student Life

Contact Us
(386) 506-3131
(386) 506-3366

Office Hours

Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

If you are an outside business that would like to use indoor space for lectures and/or workshops, please contact the Events Coordinator:

Kendra Loughry
Events Coordinator
(386) 506-4545

If you would like to book a classroom, please contact:

Mike Nieto
(386) 506-4461

Have you found what you’re looking for? If not, here are some more helpful pages: