Returning Student
It's never too late to set a new goal or dream a new dream.
If you were previously enrolled at Daytona State College and have been absent for three or more consecutive semesters, including the summer, you need to readmit by submitting a new application.
Daytona State College follows the guidelines for readmissions/course release that align with provisions for Service Members provided in Chapter 3 of Volume 2 of the Federal Student Aid Handbook set forth in the Federal Student Handbook for Service Members.
The College of Health and Public Services offers flexible enrollment and readmission options for active-duty service members who may need to interrupt their studies due to military obligations. This includes provisions for temporary leaves of absence and streamlined readmission processes upon their return. Accommodations will be made to ensure that the academic progress of active-duty service members, who might be deployed on short notice, is not negatively impacted. Considerations for incomplete grades, course extensions, or grade appeals may be necessary and will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. Active-duty service members will not face academic penalties for military-related absences or interruptions
When do classes start?
Visit the Academic Calendar for class start dates and deadlines.
Returning Student Steps to Enrollment
Apply Submit a new application to DSC, even if you plan to enter back into the same program of study.
Submit Transcripts Submit any outstanding transcripts or transcripts from schools you have attended since last taking classes at Daytona State. You do not need to resubmit transcripts we have already received. Contact Admissions if you are not sure which transcripts you still need to submit.
Complete Orientation Complete the online orientation, even if you did it previously, in Falcon Self-Service through the MyDaytonaState portal.
Meet with an Academic Advisor Even if you're continuing in the same program, you'll need to meet with an Academic Advisor to get an updated plan and talk about any change to requirements.
Register & Pay for Classes Register and pay for classed on Falcon-Self Service through the MyDaytonaState portal.
The Office of Student Accounts offers a number of payment options to assist you to make payments while your financial aid is being processed or if you will not be using financial aid.
Submit Residency Documents Re-Establish Residency
If you're been gone for a year or more and are considered a Florida resident, you will need to re-establish residency to qualify for the lower in-state tuition rate.
Get Your Student ID, Parking Decal, & Books You may need a new student ID and/or parking decal. Before classes start, get yours at the Question & Answer Center on the Daytona Beach Campus or the Falcon Center on any regional campus.
Your books can be purchases at one of our campus bookstores or online.