Student Service Departments

What is Student Development?

The Student Development Division provides support services that encourage you to remain a life-long learner. Our staff members, along with professors and others across the college, are concerned with your holistic development. It is our belief that teaching and learning are not limited to the traditional classroom - each occurs with every service and support we provide.

group of diverse students sitting together smiling

Student Equity

The Student Development Office investigates and seeks to resolve student equity concerns and allegations of violations regarding sexual harassment and discrimination based on race, gender, religion, national origin, disability or genetic information. Students may submit a formal complaint to the Question & Answer Center on any college campus. The Question & Answer Center staff will collect the information and forward it to the VP of Student Development for review and resolution at the lowest level possible. Depending on the nature of the concern, students may submit information directly to the Vice President. Reasonable arrangements will be made for distance learning students who are unable to attend meetings on the Daytona Beach Campus.

Do you have concerns, suggestions, or complaints?

Do you have concerns, suggestions, or complaints?

The Student Advocate is the central point of contact who can offer informal and neutral assistance to resolve student concerns, suggestions, or complaints. For the first step, last resort, or any point in between, the Student Advocate can help ensure your success at Daytona State College.

The Student Advocate can: 

  • Listen to your concerns and serve as a student resource;
  • Assist you with the informal and formal complaint processes;
  • Help examine your situation to identify and evaluate options, including appeal processes;
  • Connect you to the appropriate person/campus resource;
  • Clarify Daytona State policies and procedures;
  • Provide feedback to administration and recommend changes when appropriate.

Distance Education students, who have completed the internal institutional grievance process and the applicable state grievance process, may appeal complaints to the FL-SARA PRDEC Council. For additional information on the complaint process, please visit the FL-SARA Complaint Process page.

Freddie Falcon at desk with laptop and book

Judicial Affairs

This office investigates and seeks to resolve student discipline issues and allegations of violations of the Daytona State Student Code of Conduct Rules published in the Student Handbook. Unless otherwise stated, judicial administrative meetings and student disciplinary hearings are held in the college’s Campus Safety Office (Bailey Hall-Building 540) on the Daytona Beach Campus. Reasonable arrangements will be made for distance learning students who are unable to attend meetings on the Daytona Beach Campus.

The Judicial Affair’s department is dedicated to providing students with due process according to College procedures. By offering support and reviewing matters relating to student code of conduct violations, the Judicial Affair’s department is devoted to assisting students resolve judicial matters while focusing on student success and embracing excellence and diversity.

Freddie Falcon with hand raised wearing a backpack

I, as a member of the DSC community, pledge that I will neither give nor receive unauthorized aid in my work, nor will I present another’s work as my own, nor will I tolerate anyone who does.

DSC Honor Pledge

Academic Integrity

Daytona State College is committed to providing students with quality instruction, guidance, and opportunities for academic and career success by fostering academic excellence in a supportive and personalized learning environment.  

Maintaining high standards of academic honesty and integrity in higher education is a shared responsibility and an excellent foundation for assisting you in making honorable and ethical contributions to the profession for which you are preparing.  

To preserve academic excellence and integrity, the College expects you to know, understand and comply with the Academic Integrity Policy, which prohibits academic dishonesty in any form, including, but not limited to, cheating and plagiarism. Grades conferred by instructors are intended to be accurate and true reflections of the coursework produced and submitted by you. 

Unless otherwise explicitly instructed, students are not allowed to use any alternative/Artificial Intelligence (AI) generation tool (including, but not limited to, Chat GPT) for any type of submission or assessment.  

Faculty reserve the right to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) detection software to find instances of AI-generated writing in student submissions. 

Suspected violations of the student academic dishonesty code will be handled by individual instructors as outlined in their course syllabus. An instructor who finds that a student has violated Academic Integrity may apply an academic consequence ranging from a zero for the assignment, up to and including failure for the entire course. 

Instructors are encouraged to report cases of academic integrity violations to their academic department chairperson and to the Office of Judicial Affairs to help track habitual violations of academic integrity and for review and possible additional academic consequences.  

In addition, some students may be referred to the student disciplinary process for appropriate disciplinary resolution.

Student Handbook

Daytona State College has established specific policies and procedures to ensure the rights, integrity and safety of all members of the college community. Each year a Student Handbook is published with the following information:

Student Code of Conduct, Academic Integrity Policy, Computer Network & Internet Acceptable Use Policy, Infectious Diseases Policy, Drug Free Schools and Campuses Policy, Grievance Procedure, Due Process Procedure and Appeals Procedures. The Student Handbook is available on all campuses and online.

Office of Student Development

Contact Us

P: (386) 506-4510
F: (386)506-4458

Office Hours

Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.