Daytona State Assisting Local Hospitals in the Fight Against COVID-19
DAYTONA BEACH, FLA (APRIL 10, 2020) – Daytona State College has partnered with local hospitals to support the growing need for medical equipment and supplies in central Florida related to the COVID-19 crisis. To date, DSC has donated nearly 3,000 critical items from its own College of Health & Public Services to aid in the treatment and recovery of patients affected by the virus.
“Daytona State has always had a strong partnership with area hospitals and we’re happy to provide any support we can give during this crisis,” said DSC President Dr. Tom LoBasso. “It’s another way to fulfill the mission of a state college, which includes service to the local community.”
Items donated include 1,975 surgical masks, 375 dust masks, 300 surgical masks with shields, 118 N95 masks. In addition to those items, six boxes of gloves and approximately 20 gowns were donated. The College has also loaned its teaching lab ventilators and respirators, which can be converted to much-needed ventilators.
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