DSC earns grant for study abroad programs
DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (May 29, 2015) – To help defray costs for students in study abroad programs, Daytona State College has received a national matching grant from the non-profit Institute of International Education (IIE) for $7,500.
The college is a partner in the Institute's Generation Study Abroad initiative, whose
goal is to double the number of U.S. students studying abroad by the end of the decade.
Daytona State was among the first colleges to join the initiative when it was launched
in March 2014.
"The college administration recognizes the importance of infusing international education into the curriculum as a way to help our students succeed in today's intercultural workforce and global marketplace," said John Brady, assistant director of DSC's Office of Global Education & Affairs. "We appreciate this commitment, as well as IIE's support in giving more DSC students the opportunity to participate in the college's study abroad initiatives."
Scores of DSC students have traveled abroad over the years while earning academic credit. They've explored medieval Rome, studied history at the University of Cambridge in England and art in Paris, to name just a few. Others have participated in service learning projects in Haiti, working with teachers and students at schools in rural, impoverished areas.
With matching funds committed by Daytona State, the $15,000 total will benefit at least six students traveling abroad on college-sanctioned study trips during the 2015-2016 academic year. Trips scheduled or being planned include Haiti, England, Scotland, Ireland, Italy and Nicaragua, Brady said.
Founded in 1919, the IIE is one of the world's largest international education organizations. The organization cites research that shows students who study abroad have better grades, experience less attrition and graduate from college at higher rates than students who do not study abroad. It also notes that study abroad is one of the best ways students can acquire global skills and open up personal and professional opportunities. IIE notes that nearly 300,000 U.S. students study abroad each year.
For more information, visit DSC's Office of Global Education & Affairs.