Daytona State recognized by national manufacturing group
DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (June 17, 2015) - Daytona State College has been named the newest
member of the Washington, D.C.-based Manufacturing Institute's M-List, which recognizes
schools providing manufacturing training that meets industry standards.
"We're honored to be recognized by the Manufacturing Institute with its renowned advocacy
for manufacturing in the U.S.," says Dr. Tom LoBasso, president of Daytona State.
"This reaffirms our long-standing record of quality and service to the community with
our responsive workforce career programs."
Dr. Mary Bruno, associate vice president of continuing and workforce education, adds,
"M-list membership signifies DSC's commitment to closing the skills gap and helping
to grow our region's manufacturing sector to its fullest potential as a jobs creator
and economic driver."
The M-List recognizes high schools, community colleges, technical schools and universities that offer NAM-Endorsed Manufacturing Skills Certifications as a standard part of their manufacturing education programs. Daytona State offers students the opportunity to earn these certifications, as well as program options in welding, machining and a variety of other manufacturing disciplines. Additionally, Daytona State's Florida TRADE program is a Manufacturing Fast-Track Program that helps students begin building technical careers that offer good pay and growth opportunity.
Florida TRADE prepares students with an initial set of technical skills for industry-recognized certifications in:
- Certified Production Technician (CPT)
- National Institute of Metalworking Skills (NIMS) Milling Certification
- Computer Aided Drafting AutoCAD Certifications (Autodesk)
- SolidWorks Certifications (SolidWorks)
The Manufacturing Institute is an affiliate of the National Association of Manufacturers.
It is committed to delivering leading-edge information and services to the nation's
manufacturers, and is the authority on attracting, qualifying and developing world-class
manufacturing talent.