Paying for Classes
Methods of Payment
Online payment processing is available through the My Daytona State student portal. Log into Falcon Self-Service, select the Financials menu, then What I Owe. Click on Make a Payment and complete the appropriate payment information as prompted. Credit cards accepted include American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa.
In person payment processing is available through the Office of Student Accounts on the Daytona Campus or the Falcon Center on any other campus. Daytona State accepts cash, money orders, checks, American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa. Checks must be payable to Daytona State College and all credit cards and the card owner must be present when paying in person.

e-Cashier Payment Plan
Daytona State College offers the e-Cashier payment plan through our partner Nelnet Business Solutions. To enroll, go to the My Daytona State student portal, click on Falcon Self-Service, select the Financials menu, and click on Payment Plans to begin your payment plan agreement.

Falcon Payment Plan
Falcon Payment Plans are available after the e-Cashier contract period has closed. Complete an application and submit your $45 service charge and 50% down payment with the Student Accounts office on the Daytona Beach Campus or Falcon Center on any regional campus.

Financial Aid
Daytona State College offers many financial aid options. See our Financial Aid site for details.

Florida Prepaid College Program
Once you have registered for classes and fees have been assessed, students must provide their Florida Prepaid information to the Student Accounts office every semester. Submit a copy of your card via email or fax.
The Florida Prepaid program does NOT cover access fees, assessment fees, online fees or lab fees. You must pay any remaining balance due after Florida Prepaid has been applied by the tuition due date to avoid cancellation of classes for nonpayment. If you add a course after the your award is applied, it is your responsibility to notify the Student Accounts so the award can be adjusted. If the Florida Prepaid College Program declines to pay any amount billed, you are responsible to pay the full outstanding balance.
Amounts Paid by Florida Prepaid Per Credit Hour
Regular Account | $90.80 |
Local Fee Account | $102.38 |
Vocational Courses | $78.81 |
Baccalaureate Courses | $106.82 |
Baccalaurate with Local Fees | $120.32 |

The DSC Foundation offers a wide range of scholarships each semester. Applying is easy - one application allows you to apply for multiple scholarships at one time.
Outside agency scholarships should be presented to the Student Accounts office to be applied to your account.

Third Party Authorization
Tuition Waiver
Homeless Waiver In accordance with Florida Statute 1009.25 (1) (f), a student who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence or whose primary nighttime residence is a public or private shelter designed to provide temporary residence, a public or private transitional living program, or a public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings. This includes a student who would otherwise meet the requirements of this paragraph, as determined by a college or university, but for his or her residence in college or university dormitory housing. Submit documentation for verification and a Waiver Request form to the College through the Admissions Office.
Department of Children and Family Services Exemption Department of Children and Family Services Exemption (Relative Caregiver /Adoption)
In accordance with Florida Statute 1009.25 (1) (d), A student who is or was at the time he or she reached 18 years of age in the custody of a relative or nonrelative under Florida Statute 39.5085 or who was adopted from the Department of Children and Families after May 5, 1997 are exempt from the payment of tuition and fees. The exemption remains valid until the student reaches 28 years of age.
State Employee Waiver Full-time employees of the executive, legislative or judicial branch of Florida’s government are eligible for a State Employee Waiver as defined in Florida Statute 1009.265(5). Employees of state universities are not eligible for this benefit. Eligible employees may have tuition and course fees waived for a maximum of 6 credit hours per term. To use the waiver, the state employee must register for classes no sooner that the first day of class for a given semester. See the Academic Calendar for specific dates. A completed State Employee Fee Waiver form must be submitted to provide eligibility verification from your employer in order to receive the waiver.
Classroom Teacher Employee Waiver Full-time classroom teachers, as defined in Florida Statute 1001.02(2)(a), employed by a school district are eligible for a Classroom Teacher Employee Waiver. Such courses are limited to undergraduate courses related to special education, mathematics, or science as established in the Course Prefix Listing Approved for the Teacher Waiver approved by the Florida Department of Education. In accordance with Florida Statute 1009.26(10), the waiver may not be used for courses scheduled during the school district’s regular school day. Eligible employees may have tuition and course fees waived for a maximum of 6 credit hours per term. To use the Classroom Teacher waiver, a classroom teacher must submit a completed Classroom Teacher Tuition Waiver form to provide eligibility verification from your employer in order to receive the waiver.
Financial Aid Advance
Limited funds may be available to assist you with a documented financial emergency or crisis situation. These funds are not intended to substitute for financial aid and will be deducted from the first available financial aid received by the College. Depending on the number of days remaining in the semester, you may have up to 60 days to repay a financial aid advance.
(386) 506-3015
Outstanding Balances & Collections
If your obligations are not paid in full upon notification by the College, these debts (along with appropriate personal information including social security number) may be referred to an outside collection agency and to appropriate credit bureaus. Resulting collection costs will be added to the original debt and the student must pay these costs, as well as attorney’s fees if applicable.
All outstanding obligations will result in a hold placed on the student’s account that will impact student records, diplomas, transcripts and will also prevent any future registration activity including withdrawals.
The College has contracted with the following agencies for collection services. Contact Student Accounts if you need to know which agency your account has been assigned to.