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Determination of Need

When a student applies for federal student aid by completing the FAFSA, the information the student reports is used in a formula established by the U.S. Congress. The formula determines the student's "Expected Family Contribution" (EFC).

This EFC is an amount that the student (and the student's parents, if the student is dependent) is expected to contribute to the student's education. (If the student is independent, the EFC is an amount that the student, and the student's spouse, if the student is married, is expected to contribute to the student's education.)  The EFC is subtracted from the student’s cost of attendance. (The cost of attendance is determined by the College using rules established by the U.S. Congress--click on the link below.) The cost of attendance includes the student’s tuition and fees based upon the student’s enrollment status. Please note, when determining enrollment status, audited courses are not taken into consideration since no credit toward a degree or certificate is received.

If there is a positive difference between the cost of attendance and the EFC, the student is considered to have financial need. In determining a student's eligibility for aid from the federal student financial assistance programs and from state need-based assistance programs, the College must first consider other aid the student is expected to receive. If the student is eligible to receive a financial aid award, the student will be sent an email at the DSC email address on how to access the financial aid award on Falcon Self-Service from the MyDaytonaState portal. 

Change in Circumstances that May Affect Your Financial Situation

Changes may occur in family situations that are beyond their control.  The Financial Aid Services Office may, on a case-by-case basis, be able to review your eligibility for financial aid. Unusual circumstances that may affect your eligibility could be changes in income or assets, death of a parent or spouse, a family member who recently became unemployed, unusual medical or dental expenses not covered by insurance, etc.  If you (or your family) have unusual circumstances that may affect your financial aid situation, please contact the Financial Aid Services Office so you can speak with a financial aid counselor.
