Blended face-to-face/online classes will begin June 29

DAYTONA BEACH, FLA. (June 2, 2020) – Daytona State College has always offered a variety of course options that fit students’ needs, and while most of the Summer 2020 has been online to this point, DSC has planned for face-to-face experiences starting June 29.

“We are pleased to announce that we will be offering a limited number of blended face-to-face/online classes (hybrid courses) for the Summer B term,” said Dr. Tom LoBasso, DSC President. “We know that some of our students prefer classroom instruction over online, and these hybrid courses will allow them the experience of working with faculty members face-to-face. We will also be offering student services by appointment only as part of our phase back approach.” A recent survey with currently enrolled DSC students indicated that more than 60% would want a face-to-face instructional experience. 

Safety is still the College’s number one priority, and students coming in for student services or taking hybrid classes will be required to follow enhanced safety protocols such as following social distancing guidelines and wearing masks/face coverings while on campus. Upon registration, students will be given more specific safety guidelines and protocols.

Each course will take place in a large classroom designed to hold 70 people or more, but enrollment has been capped to a maximum seating capacity of 20. Labs will be capped at 10 people, so social distancing can be easily accomplished. Each classroom and lab will be cleaned and sanitized regularly.

These hybrid courses will also be offered in an online-only format which will allow students to choose a learning environment that best fits their needs. Students will still have the ability to conduct business with departments by phone, email and live chat, too.

These measures and protocols are in place so the College can meet the needs for students to have a classroom experience in the safest possible environment. Registration is open now for all current and new students.

Plans for the Fall 2020 semester are still in development and will be announced as soon as they are finalized in the coming weeks via student email, local media, the College’s website, and social media channels.
