Daytona Beach, Fla. (Sept. 25, 2019) – Daytona State College has announced the winner of its Moving the Needle Award, presented to the School of Workforce in recognition of its accomplishments during the 2018-19 academic year.collection of images featuring workforce programs at Daytona State College

Led by Director Frank Snyder, the School of Workforce revised all student learning objectives (SLOs) to reflect Bloom's Taxonomy, updated curriculum maps, and incorporated new emphasis on writing assignments, math competencies and safety. Those adaptations contributed to placement rates at, or above, the state average in welding, automotive service and machining. In particular, the welding program had a 93 percent placement rate, which was 25 points higher than the state average. The automotive service program registered an 83 percent placement rate, and that number was an astounding 100 percent for machining.

The new measures also contributed to a dramatic increase in persistence rates across the board with the construction program rising from 35 percent to 86 percent, and the HVAC program climbing from 53 percent to 82 percent. Other programs which improved persistence rates are welding, automotive collision and machining. Course success and graduation rates also increased in several programs.

"The work this team of faculty do is integral to the health and future of our community," said Dr. Amy Locklear, Provost. "The faculty are highly skilled with years of experience practicing in each of these professions. These programs train students, usually within one year, to obtain high-demand, high-wage jobs in growing sectors of our economy. The training is extremely technical, takes place in state-of-the-art facilities, and includes options to advance into higher levels of education if students choose to do so."

The School of Workforce includes automotive service technology; automotive collision repair and refinishing; welding technology; machining; air conditioning, refrigeration and heating; and building trades and construction technology.

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